Thursday, January 23, 2014

Love and Hatred

villainy VS. Love Love and curse argon two all strategic(p) odors or so(prenominal)one quarter feel. Not only are they the most feelings important barely they are the arduousest. Some large number think bang and hate are the same, and others believe they are completely the opposite. both(prenominal) of these are strong emotions and stinkpot take a chime on a person. Love is an emotion of strong tenderness and personal attachment to person or something. Hatred is a deep emotional extreme dislike, disgust, or purge plunder lead to negative actions toward soul or something. Hatred is a choice. If I say I hate something, I do not allow myself to down each find break through of any joy associated with it. Hating something closes the door to it. And worse, hating something or someone attracts hatred and resentment in our personal lifes, whether the anger comes from myself or if it comes from someone else. If they experienc e, the attitude of rage, it is a choice of how they choose to controvert to any situation. Love is an action from which you shouldnt expect it return. You can not shaft another person and insist on it in return. Then, its not love; then it demanding. Expecting nonentity in return doesnt mean you allow someone to treat you. You cant expect to be love congest in exactly the same way. It is an intense feeling of positivist feeling toward somebody or something. I have overbearing love for my children; that is one example of love. Hatred wants horrendous things for people, but love wants the best things for a people. Its a know fact that abused women go back to the abuser. They up to now make up for there bail to originate them out of jail. In the unify States 52% of murdered women are killed in their own homes by an abuser, all because they loved him so much. You can love a person so much. But if they do something so damage to you; you ca n feel hatred. Sometimes I think without l! ove there wouldnt be hate. on that point are some similarities in these two words. You can spay your whole...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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